Draplin vs.America

Creating a Glowing Sphere in An Inverted Image

in my opinion, to say the least, is that this particular tut was one of the more challenging tuts, thus far.
1. I began by opening the Futuristic Girl image and duplicating the layer.

next, I created the glowing ball effect by:
  1. opening a new document and filling it in w/ black.

  2. then I Duplicated the background layer and renamed it ‘Effects’.
    then chose Filter > Render > Lens Flare.
  3. I then picked the following settings; a 105mm Prime, set the brightness to 100 and positioned the flare in center of layer.
    Next, went to Image > Adjustments > Color Balance and followed the settings as shown below.
    I Duplicated the Effects layer, then went to Filter > Liquefy.
    Picked the Twirl Clockwise tool to Create a twirl on the duplicated flare layer.
  4. Moving along, I Created another new blank layer and named it ‘Ray’.
    Drew lines over the layer using the Brush Tool.
    picked Filter > Liquify > Twirl Clockwise
  5. Next, going to Filter > Blur > Radius Blur.
    I Set the method to Zoom and quality to Good.
  6. Then, shifted the Radius Blur Center near to the right side corner in the preview box
  7. Now, I chose an appropriate Brush and brush size from the brush palette
    went to Filter >Liquify > Twirl Clockwise
  8. Double clicked the Brush Layer to enter the Blending Options.
    Adjusted the Outer Glow and settings as shown in the diagram below.
  9. When all is done, created a group folder and put all these layers into it before bringing it to the Futuristic Girl working space

but wait, not done yet!!!

  1. I Hid the Glowing ball Effects Group layer and worked on Layer 1 Copy (Futuristic Girl).
  2. Inverted the image by clicking Ctrl + I
  3. chose Difference for blending options of later group.
  4. Exclusion for duplicated woman layer.
  5. Erase tooled the rough, outer edges of the glowing ball effects group layer.

  6. okay, now i be Done!


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