Draplin vs.America

Make an abstract wallpaper with photshop

how to make an abstract desktop wallpaper using photoshop
2. Open new photoshop document
3. Fill with black using Paint Bucket Tool
4. load the brushes
5. I selected the brush tool then went to the document and right clicked

6. which then allowed me to select a new brush tool of my choice
7. Putting a new layer (by clicking Ctrl+Shift+N) and selecting the white color as the foreground, I colored and painted with the brush in the work area.
8. I repeated the previous steps and tried-really hard- not to forget to set a new layer for each one.
o Little additions that I made to the brush strokes were:
1. changed Blending Options of layers
2. changed color overlay
3. added an outer Glow
o –Repeated this for each brush layer

this tut was really fun and I enjoyed messing w/ the different outcomes I could make.

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